Building Community Through Design: KIDS Challenge Inspires Young Creators

世界杯官方app Professional and Continuing Education KIDS Art Program

December 12, 2022 - Students from four San Antonio Independent School District elementary schools gathered at the University of Texas at San Antonio (世界杯官方app) Downtown Campus to celebrate student accomplishments as part of the Kids Initiating Design Solutions (KIDS) Challenge.

KIDS is an architecture-based program where students learn elements of art and design by way of exploring the built world. KIDS brings teams of teaching artists and experienced industry professionals into the classroom, informing and inspiring the next generation of creators.

The fall program focuses on form and function as well as community. Each year, students tour their school’s surrounding neighborhood, making connections between classroom concepts and the outside world. Students make improvements ranging from the luxurious to the practical, which they translate into small-scale models. This year’s competition focused on bus shelters.

The challenge also includes a group project in which students design a plan to improve their campus and address community needs. Students created mini-models that included donation stations, recycling centers, movie theaters and community gardens.

Although no winner is selected during the challenge, the event showcases the student’s mini-models and culminates in group presentations of their renovated campus designs.

世界杯官方app Professional and Continuing Education KIDS Art Program

“I have seen students blossom socially; collaborating with others and becoming leaders amongst their mini-design groups,” said KIDS Program Coordinator Ramon Munoz. “KIDS allows students to be kinetic and understand concepts through discovery by providing an opportunity for their creativity to shine through writing, drawing, building, and even public presentation.”

The KIDS Challenge is part of the Young Artist Program at 世界杯官方app. Founded with the goal of creating multiple avenues for access to the visual arts for kids and teens, the Young Artist Program also includes Summer Art Studios, Saturday Morning Discovery, and Teen Studio Intensive, along with other programs geared towards growing artists.

“KIDS gives students an opportunity to become creative and engaged community leaders through innovative design challenges and collaborative efforts,” said Patricia Morales, director of Young Artist Programs. “It also offers youth an opportunity to explore career options and academic pursuits by learning from artists and local industry professionals who inspire students throughout the program.”

KIDS has collaborated with numerous donors, area design and architecture firms, and school districts. These relationships continue to grow as the program moves to reach a broader audience. Having experienced success with both third and fifth grade students, the program has set its sights on advanced grade levels, focusing more on contemporary issues such as sustainability and infrastructure, while giving students further insight into a world of career possibilities.

-Abigail Hallmark

Professional and Continuing Education Staff

As a continuing education incubator, Professional and Continuing Education (PaCE) delivers skills-focused, innovative programming that satisfies the fluid learning demands of life-long learners. The values of Innovation, Accessibility and Excellence are realized through a dedicated team of specialists with a combined 30 years of continuing education experience.